Specialized Gifted Program

What is the Specialized Gifted Program?

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board's Specialized Gifted Program at the Secondary Level (Grades 9-12) provides a supportive learning environment that allows special education students identified as gifted to explore curriculum at a deeper and more complex level.

At the secondary level (Grade 9-12), the Specialized Gifted Program is available at three OCDSB schools.  Depending on the school, the Specialized Gifted Program is offered in either English or French Immersion:

  • Bell High School (English and French Immersion)
  • Glebe Collegiate Institute (French Immersion)
  • Lisgar Collegiate Institute (English)

For information about the OCDSB's Specialized Gifted Program at the Secondary Level (Grades 9-12), please click here.

Why Consider a Specialized Gifted Program?

  • Grouping students of similiar abilities to work together
  • Instructional strategies specific for gifted learners
  • Encouraging further development of leadership skills
  • Development of creative and critical thinking skills
  • Faster pace, and increased depth and breadth of learning

How Does the Specialized Gifted Program Work?

In each grade, students will take a package of compulsory courses offered at the gifted level.  Depending on the student's interests and post-secondary goals, you may choose to enroll your child in additional elective courses offered at the gifted level.  It is important to note that students in gifted courses are assessed and evaluated on the same curriculum, and to the same standards, as students in non-gifted courses.

What Courses are Offered at the Gifted Level?

Students typically take eight courses per school year.  In the table below, courses highlighted in orange are compulsory to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.  Courses written in blue are currently offered at the gifted level at Lisgar C.I.  Courses written in black are not offered at the gifted level.  Course offerings are subject to change.  For a detailed list of courses offered at the gifted level at Lisgar C.I., please review the school's Course Guide

What are the Eligibility Requirements?

  1. Please click here to view the OCDSB's criteria for the Specialized Gifted Program at the Secondary Level (Grades 9-12).
  2. Using your home address, please click here to use the OCDSB's School Locator to determine your child's designated OCDSB secondary school.
  3. Based on your child's designated OCDSB secondary school, please click here to determine your child's English and French Immersion Gifted school options.

Is Transportation Provided?

The Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) supports and makes determinations about eligibility for student transportation.  Decisions are made based on the student's home address on file with the OCDSB.

OSTA deems students eligible for transportation if:

  1. Lisgar C.I. is the student's designated gifted school, and 
  2. The shortest walking distance between the home address and Lisgar C.I. is 3.2 km or more.

Eligible students will receive a Presto pass valid for use on public transit for the duration of the school year.


  1. Where a student resides between multiple households on file with the OCDSB, OSTA will use the home address closest to Lisgar C.I. to determine transportation eligibility.
  2. Students approved for an elective Student Transfer (to attend Lisgar C.I. when it is not the designated gifted school) are not eligible for OSTA-provided transportation.
  3. OSTA-provided transportation is valid for registered students until the last school day in June of each year.
  4. For questions regarding student transportation, please contact OSTA.

Frequently Asked Questions

For a list of frequently asked questions about the OCDSB's English Specialized Gifted Program at the Secondary Level (Grades 9-12) offered at Lisgar C.I., please click here.

Register Now

To register, please select the statement below that best describes your child's situation. Our Gifted Secondary Committee meets to review referrals between January and the end of May.

No action is required.  Your child will automatically continue in the Specialized Gifted Program. Your child's Grade 8 teacher will support them in selecting their Grade 9 courses at Lisgar C.I. for next year.

Please complete and return the OCDSB Specialized Gifted Program referral form to the school:

OCDSB Specialized Gifted Program Referral Form

In addition to the steps outlined in Situation B, families should apply for an OCDSB Student Transfer beginning February 2023.

*Please note: Should your child be accepted to the gifted secondary program following approval for a cross boundary transfer, transportation will NOT be pro


Viki Holan
Learning Support Consultant
OCDSB Learning Support Services
613-596-8211 ext. 8856