Support Information and Student Appointment Bookings

Where Can I Find You?

Guidance staff are located in the school's Student Services Office (room N127) on the first floor of the North Building.

Learning Support staff teach classes and work out of our school's Learning Commons (room N123) on the main floor of the North Building.

Student Success staff teach classes and work out of our school's Learning Commons (room N123) on the main floor of the North Building.

Meet With a Guidance Teacher

Students are assigned to Guidance Teachers alphabetically by their last names.  Students are welcome to come see their Guidance Teacher in the Student Services Office by either booking an individual appointment, dropping in either before/after school, or during the lunch hour, or by emailing their questions.

To book an appointment, please click your Guidance Teacher's name below to make an appointment.  

Parents/guardians should contact staff directly to schedule a meeting.

A-L Book Now
Last Names A-L: Ms.Linton
M-O Book Now
Last Names M-Z: Mr.Logue

What is Guidance?

Guidance and Career Education Teachers provide support to students with general problem-solving, planning their path to graduation, transitioning onto post-secondary, and helping to guide students to mental health supports in the community.  Guidance and Career Education Teachers are responsible for educating students about the different pathway options in the OCDSB in order to help families make informed decisions for their child's education.

We provide:

  • Support with course selection and planning your path to graduation,
  • Support with planning for post-secondary studies,
  • Help locating mental health supports in the community,
  • Support answering general questions about school and problem-solving,
  • Support transitioning students into high school, and onto post-secondary,
  • All-around support for students who are at risk.

Angela Linton
Guidance and Career Education Teacher (surnames A-L) x2009

Zachary Logue
Guidance and Career Education Teacher (surnames M-Z) x2011

Claudia Ortiz
Guidance Technician x2012

What is Learning Support?

The Learning Support team is responsible for supporting students and staff who support students with special education needs.  We encourage students to learn about and become experts on their own unique learning profiles so they can self-advocate for their needs and ensure their own educational successes.  To read more about special education in the OCDSB, please click here to visit their website.

We provide:

  • Special education support and/or resources for students,
  • Consultation with students and their families in the development and implementation of Individual Education Plans,
  • Transition support for identified students both into high school and then onto post-secondary.

Sarah Hawn
Learning Support Lead Teacher x2010

Lara Vlajkov
Learning Support Teacher

Rachael Miller
Educational Assistant x2103

What is Student Success?

The Student Success team is responsible for supporting students at our school who are at risk of not earning a credit or of not graduating.  They support students by advocating on their behalf to their subject teachers, by providing learning strategies to improve student learning, by  teaching skills that promote strong work habits (such as organization and time management), and by providing tiered interventions to help students be successful in their courses.  The Student Success team also has a focus on overall student wellness by promoting positive physical and mental health, and by fostering a safe and caring learning environment for all students.

We provide:

  • Time-management and organizational support,
  • Credit Intervention, Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery programs,
  • All-around support for students who are at risk.

Lynne Gulliver
Student Success Lead Teacher x2010

Lisgar CI students can also be referred for support by Mental Health and Addictions Nurses at CHEO; Rideauwood Mental Health and Addictions Counsellor; and OCDSB Child and Youth Worker, Psychologist and Social Worker.

Students must be deemed eligible by the school's Multi-Disciplinary Team to access these resources.

Tiered Academic Supports

In addition to seeking extra support from their classroom teachers, students are also welcome to come to the Learning Commons.  The Learning Commons is open over the lunch hour, and after school.

At the mid-point of each semester, classroom teachers will refer students who are at risk of falling behind in their courses to the Student Success team. Referred students are then invited to attend Credit Intervention days at the mid-point of the semester to work with the Student Success Teachers to catch up on incomplete key assessments.

By the final few weeks of each semester, classroom teachers will again refer students who are at risk of not passing their courses to the Student Success team.  Referred students are then invited to attend Credit Rescue days to work with the Student Success Teachers to catch up on incomplete key assessments needed for them to pass their courses.  Credit Rescue days are offered mostly during the exam weeks, but students may also be encouraged to complete work at home in order to be successful.

At the end of each semester, students who were unsuccessful in passing a course due to a small number of incomplete key tasks may be eligible to still earn their course credit(s).

Credit Recovery is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the outstanding overall course expectations required to earn their unsuccessful course credit(s).

Credit Recovery is available both at school during the regular school year, and through OCDSB Summer School in July of each year.  Credit Recovery is facilitated through the Student Success Teachers.  Students have up to two years to complete Credit Recovery.